
Monday, April 23, 2012

P: Passing on the rest of April A-Z

It is with great regret that I must announce that I will be withdrawing from the rest of the April A-Z blogging challenge. I simply have too many other things going on, and I'm not finding it easy to write short, simply posts just for the sake of meeting the blog challenge requirements.

I am happy to say, however, that some excellent posts came out of this challenge. For any passerby who come this way, feel free to check out the links below for some of my proudest posts from April.

I've also been tackling a personal challenge to write a novel in one month. Here are my thoughts on novel-writing before and after this attempt.

My primary interest and area of experience thus far is in writing gamebooks, not novels. Here are some posts for you gamebookers out there:
An original short gamebook, Mars 2112, to demonstrate what the genre is all about.
A post summarizing some of my thoughts on Gamebook Theory

And, last but not least, some silly Literary Jokes I made up.

If you like what you see and you want more gamebook goodness, allow me to refer you over to Stuart Lloyd's fine site on gamebooks, where he is doing a month chock-full of interviews with gamebook authors, illustrators and producers, along with many excellent articles about gamebooks (including an interview with me!). Of course, chances are good you came here from there, so this may be an unnecessary recommendation ;)

Next year, if I try this A-Z challenge again, I'm going to plan out in advance what the topic of each post will be, rather than trying to make it up as I go along. Lessons learned.

Thanks for dropping by, and rest assured, there will be more blogging goodness coming up. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


  1. I'm glad you feel you got something out of it. That's really the point.

  2. Many thanks for the plug, Ashton. I look forward to more of your posts, especially on gamebook theory.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great posts Ashton, even if you didn't make it to Z... I too considered taking on this challenge, but knew I wouldn't manage to keep up with everything I'm doing at the moment; at least you tried and did very well. (Stuart though has managed the most comprehensive gamebook bloggage I've yet seen!)

    EDIT: I couldn't find a way to edit my post without deleting, I should have just left the typo in there haha

  5. New follower here. I’m enjoying reading my fellow “A to Z”ers. I look forward to visiting again.


  6. A novel in a month! Wow. Can be done I think, but pretty stressful. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs in April. My alphabet is at

  7. Even though you didn't make it, what you do have is excellent. Good luck with your other challenges.

  8. You mean an entire novel in one month. I do agree with Sharkbyte, it will be very taxing. Good luck with your novel.

  9. Hello.
    Visiting from the Post A-Z Road Trip.

    Even though you didn't finish the challenge, you tried and that's all one can ask. Maybe you can attempt it again next year. It was my first time participating in both the A-Z & NaPoWriMo. I did find it a struggle at times, especially visiting & keeping up with my regular readers, but I made it. Now I've set myself another visit everyone who signed up...all 1718 of them! Wishing you all the best in your next endeavors. Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...
